"Outstanding tutor! -Fitrina B., Frederick, MD and "I cannot say thank you enough to Dr. B." -Dien H., Greencastle, PA (same screenshot link)

"Fantastic Tutor! Ines S (see below) updated review after 6 months

"Dr. B. helped me improve from 37 to 67 (math placement score) in only 2 tutoring sessions! Thanks Dr. B. you helped me do it!" David R., Community college student on Wyzant.

"Great Tutor" and "After the first lesson my daughter was very excited about AP calc AB, she has been straggling for a while and you [Dr. B.] opened her eyes to see the class in a different way. She was confident and ready to take her exam." Siendu, Clarksburg, MD 1/15/16.

"Excellent Math Tutor! — Dr. B was extremely helpful in preparing my daughter for her AP Calculus exam. He definitely goes the extra mile to keep the parent and student well informed and adjusting the plan to meet the student's needs. He is always available for questions, and he communicates thoroughly with the parent and student. Highly recommended!"-Theresa, Mount Airy, Maryland.
"My son is finding that math is interesting and that he is able to understand the concepts. Dr. B. uses examples that are relevant to my son, making the sessions interesting and challenging enough that he [our son] is engaged and looks forward for the next [tutorial] class...Excellent tutor" adding later, I'm very happy, with how [son's name] is doing and his commitment too. - Ines, New Market, Maryland

...with over 500 hours (on Wyzant...I tutor many hours outside of Wyzant) and over 200 ratings with a 4.9 out of 5 star ratings average on Wyzant (see preceding image) But note, if you found me via Craigslist or by some other means outside Wyzant, my direct rates are lower than if hired through Wyzant since they take a percent "matchmaking" ongoing fee. [Now 5.0 out of 5 star average rating on Wyzant]

Screenshots from my Wyzant profile of testimonials -- from mother of an 11 (almost 12) year old girl with autism, of a high schooler taking Algebra II, and one taking advanced second semester AP Calculus:

Pardon blur. A hard working bright young woman was driven to Frederick (40+ minute
drive from a neighboring county), by her (also impressive) African immigrant father.

Rates and Discounts: Even on Wyzant for long-term I often offer discounts. Screenshots show 50-56/hour, but long-term 50/hour is possible via Wyzant; and, if you found me directly (e.g. Craigslist) then even lower, often 40/hr. I often can offer 5, 10 or more minutes overtime, at no extra charge, if family is able. Success through deeper understanding, confidence and mastery by student is my goal!
Learn more about Maryland's "Dr. Math", Harel Barzilai, Ph.D., below:

→   Philosophy:

♦ Concept-centered yet results-oriented;
♦ Encouraging, gentle, and patient
♦ Yet also challenges you, to help reach maximum potential.

→   Fluent in English: moved to U.S. at the age of 6 (the only "accent" I have is, perhaps, a New England accent)

→   "Multi-factor" approach helps with:

♦ Mastery of math content;
♦Enhancing of general problem-solving skills;
♦Improvement of ability to communicate verbally
     and in writing;
♦ Help with studying tips and test-taking skills;
♦ If desired, help with issues of mental focus, test-anxiety,
     and successful stress-management.



Do you, dear reader, always feel fully appreciated? No? Well, 'join the club' as they say; I can relate.. ;-) But, sometimes one is fortunate enough to hear it -- in this case, very fortunate and humbled, as I was when Salisbury University (where I taught for 12 years) released this Appreciation Video, where students name their favorite faculty and staff who made a positive difference for them (I'm featured at 0:28-0:35 of the video below)
"Staff Appreciation Video (Salisbury) "

Tell me and I'll forget.

Show me and I may not remember.

Involve me and I'll understand.

-- Native American saying


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